Fight Skyrocketing Utility Bills with Solar
If your electric bill has been climbing higher – or even doubled in cost – you’re not alone. New Yorkers are paying some of the highest electricity rates in the country, and major utility providers
In a traditional net metering model, your solar system will be connected to the grid via your utility meter. At any given point if your home uses more electricity than your solar system produces, your homes electricity will be supplemented from the grid. However, if your solar system produces more electricity than what is being used that electricity will be sent to the grid and you receive a credit with your utility company that offsets future withdraws from the grid.
Net metering allows your solar system to fully power your homes energy needs both night and day, by sending excess energy generated by your panels during the day to the grid to compensate at night for when your panels won’t be generating any power. Think of the excess electricity generated during the day “spinning your meter backwards” to offset the power withdraw from the grid at night.
A photovoltaic engineer should design a system to fully meet the needs of your home. A PV Design Engineer can do this by looking at the historical usage of the home over the past 12 months to design a system matching the home’s needs -taking into account seasonal fluctuations. Since solar credits roll over month to month, a sunny summer can help cover a home during a rainy fall!
Bonus Tip: Don’t let larger companies sell you on a cookie cutter system that is closest to your home’s energy needs, each solar system should be specially designed for the home!
No, net metering in NYS only allows your solar system’s extra electricity to generate credits to your utility account. These credits can only be used to offset the costs of future electrical usage.
Yes! Remote Net Metering allows for multiple meters to be powered by one solar system so long as all the utility accounts exist under the same name, same utility provider, and are reasonably close together.
Effective January 1st 2022, all solar systems installed in 2022 and beyond will have a “Customer Benefits Charge” (CBC) each month; as adopted by the Public Service Commission (PSC) of New York in July of 2020.
This charge will retain the same structure as Phase One Net Metering (NEM), but adds the CBC charge intended to cover costs of state funded programs. The CBC is based on the size of the system and differs by each utility. Estimates range from $0.92-$1.34 per kW per month.
If your electric bill has been climbing higher – or even doubled in cost – you’re not alone. New Yorkers are paying some of the highest electricity rates in the country, and major utility providers
With the recent freezing temperatures and snowstorms throughout the U.S., it’s important to clear up some of the common myths surrounding solar and energy storage in the winter. Solar systems continue to deliver significant benefits
With major policy changes on the horizon – bringing utility rate hikes, growing tariffs, and more – the U.S. energy landscape is at a critical point. Year over year, Federal and State policies are continuously
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