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2025 New York State Solar Incentives

New York State solar incentives are now even better!

Governor Hochul announced in her 2022 State of the State of her plans to make New York state a national leader in climate action. This plan includes the framework to power an additional 700,000 New York homes with solar by 2030. 

NYSERDA allocates a rebate to different regions of New York State as an added financial incentive for homeowners who switch to solar energy. These rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Currently, the rebate is $0.20/watt for a total of 101,600kW of energy installed across upstate New York. And with the next incentive block announced, now is the best time to maximize your savings when going solar.

Image captured on March 3, 2025

So, What’s Changed?

Block #12 of 101,600kW at $0.20/watt is more than 95% depleted!

Once one block of the grant is fully used, the incentive drops a grade a rewards less money per watt.

Acting as soon as possible is the best way to maximize your solar savings!

For example, going back to the incentive block chart, block #1 awarded $1.00/watt incentive back in 2014 – 5x the current incentive levels! 

With the 13th block just announced at $0.15/watt, a decrease of $0.05/watt compared to current incentives, this decrease in incentives continues. 

How Does This Affect You?

To accomplish the Governor’s goal the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has created a new block grant (as seen in Block 12) to incentivize potential homeowners to go solar. Once depleted this block will reward customers with a lower-tier rebate, meaning it’s first-come, first-served. 

What Does This Do For You?

According to NYSERDA Data, this means a typical customer that goes solar can save an additional $1,425 on average (on top of their solar savings!). The block grant structure bases its savings calculations on cents per watt generated by the installed solar system. 

Financing Options for Your Solar Project: 

At Kasselman Solar, we understand the importance of making solar energy accessible and affordable. That’s why we have partnered with reliable financing institutions to help you invest in a cleaner energy future.

First NY Federal Credit Union:
  • We recommend the First NY Federal Credit Union for customers in the Greater Capital District and surrounding areas. They offer solar loans tailored to the specific needs of your home or business!
  • Learn more about First NY Federal Credit Union’s solar financing options and determine your eligibility here! 


The New York Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA):
  • Additionally, NYSERDA offers financing options with a variety of competitive interest rates ranging from 3.49% to 6.99%. These financing options are designed to make going solar more affordable for New York State residents. 
  • Learn more about NYSERDA’s solar financing options and determine your eligibility here!


By taking advantage of these financing options, you can invest in solar energy for your home or business, knowing you have the support of trusted, financial partners!

Are you interested in going solar, or want to learn more about the various incentives and financing options? Get in touch with our team today!

Here’s What Else You Should Know:
  • Between the Federal and State Tax credits approximately 50% of the total cost of a solar system is covered.
  • Tax Credits can be carried over for up to 5 years.
  • Solar Batteries are eligible for the federal incentive when installed with a solar system. 
  • The Affordable Solar Program helps allow underserved households and communities to qualify for solar.
Reach out to Kasselman Solar now and see how we can get you started on a path to a brighter future! 

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